3402 Burt St, Omaha NE 68131
Service times
11:00 am Sundays
9:30 am Sunday School
7:00 pm Bible Study
Service times
11:00 am Sundays
9:30 am Sunday School
7:00 pm Bible Study
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Click here to watch last week's sermon on YouTube
Welcome to Hope of Glory Church where our doors are open wide to everyone, and our hearts shut to no one seeking to find a safe place for spiritual life, growth and fellowship.
What visitors usually notice first about Hope of Glory Church is the tender presence of God in our worship gatherings.
A closer look will prove that you are surrounded by people just like you – people that are filled with hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, strengths and weaknesses. The common thread being that we all are committed to growing stronger and wiser through it all.
Our goal is to provide an atmosphere of loving acceptance, where people can grow spiritually through vibrant worship, honest friendships, a caring fellowship, constant prayer and compassionate concern for the world. So whether you are a spiritual seeker just beginning your walk toward God, or a committed believer continuing your walk with Him, you can find a home at Hope of Glory Church.
As women who trust in the God of hope, we desire to study His sufficient and life-changing Word, to serve His glorious person, and to enjoy rich fellowship with other women of like faith and hope. With these desires in our hearts, the Women of Hope Ministry exists to supplement and extend the instruction of Hope of Glory Church by teaching the Word of God on relevant women’s issues, by building godly relationships among our women and by increasing the quality and effectiveness of our women’s Christian service.
We are honored to provide Children’s Church up to Grade six (6) for your family in an open and caring atmosphere.
All of our teachers are here to serve you, the parent, in meeting the opportunity to support what you are already teaching your child about the Kingdom of God.
Our teachers are here to reinforce a personal knowledge of Jesus, His Redemptive invitation and the power of the Holy Spirit in the daily lives of your children.
At Hope of Glory We Love Bible Study! Why? Because the Bible is an incredible book of history and facts that proves that there is a God that created all things. Most important of all, the Bible is the Word of God. It contains the mind of God and His will for each one of our lives. We meet every Wednesday from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm it will be the best hour of your week!
We are committed to building Godly fathers and loving husbands. Hope of Glory holds men’s meetings on every first Saturday morning to give men the opportunity to pray together and share wisdom and accountability. Please come listen to dynamic Biblical teaching and learn more about the man God has called you to be.
Addiction is an epidemic that exists in many forms throughout our communities. Unfortunately, almost every family has been touched by the devastation that addiction brings – in some form or fashion. Most families affected by addiction have refrained from reaching out, assuming no one has the answer, or really cares. Hope of Glory offers weekly meetings to those in need. For more information please contact us.
Join us for Adult Sunday School. We are studying Spiritual Warfare.
9:30 am Sunday morning.
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